Erik I


Filed under #NewsFromNorway and #Norway

Norway lost in Strasbourg today:{%22languageisocode%22:[%22ENG%22],%22documentcollectionid2%22:[%22JUDGMENTS%22],%22itemid%22:[%22001-195909%22]}

I guess this is a good decision, but I also think it is somewhat more complicated than a lot of people think.

Filed under #streetart #Drammen #Norway

One of the best walls I've seen “live”, showing people peeking out behind the blinds:

People peeking out behind the blinds.

It is located on the left hand side of the tracks right before you arrive at Drammen train station from Oslo.

Filed under #Oslo #Norway #seasons

A warm reflection of the sun. Summer is more or less over it seems. The air is chill, which I appreciate.

Still I enjoyed the warm reflection of sunlight enough to take a couple of steps backwards to take a photo and verify that yes, the reflection wasn't only visible but also warm.

Filed under #iHateNazism #Norway and #history

Was out walking this morning. It is a new habit I'm trying: to leave the house and walk for a few minutes to wake myself up.

Took this picture of a memorial over local people who died fighting nazism. And in light of recent events where hateful people think they can become heros by shooting innocent people: I think we need to fix how we teach history. At least we should make sure they learn to hate nazism.

Memorial over local people who died fighting the Nazis.

Filed under #Norway #election2019 #politics

The municipal election is coming up.

Today national politicians are on TV discussing free lunches for schoolchildren.

I find it weird: these are not the people we are going to vote for, and free lunches for schoolchildren is not something that will be decided locally on a municipal level.

I blame it on media.

Moose that crossed the road in front of us, One is grazing the other is watching us.

Not very relevant, I just came to think of it last week when I was crossing Norway in car and saw a number of moose next to the road.

Also it was taken with my old Canon IXUS camera that I dug out the other day and repaired.

Filed under #nature #Norway and #photos

These have been around for a few days already: "Voi" electric scooter.