Erik I


Filed under #100DaysToOffload

The tag #100DaysToOffload started showing up a few days ago and I didn't care. My life is really stressful enough as it is without putting more arbitrary limitations, deadlines or anything into it. I got a family, a job, a house, a car and I try to be active in the church so I figured really don't want more stress on top of that. For the record: I chose that life and I don't want anyting to get in the way of it.

Then I read the rules. The rules are similar enough to the The Cult of Done Manifesto that I figured it might actually take away some stress.

So here I am. This is the first part in this series. I don't expect this to bring me a lot of readers or anything, just to get more stuff written down for the benefit of my future self, future historians and people searching for random words or constellations of on the Internet. Maybe it will also trigger someone else to start writing longform instead of just tweeting, tooting, snapping or whatever.

So here are the rulesguidelines as they were written at the time when I decided this could be a good idea:


I don’t like to term ‘rules’ so let’s go with ‘guidelines’ instead. As I don’t think this whole thing shouldn’t be too rigid. Here’s the guidelines as I see them:

  • This needs to be done on a personal blog, not a corporate blog. If you don’t have a personal blog, you can sign up for a free one at
  • There is no specific start or end date. Your 100 days can start or end whenever you want them to.
  • Write a new post every day for 100 days. Ideally, these would be consecutive days, but if they’re not, don’t worry about it. Just. Write.
  • There are no limits to what you can post about – write about whatever interests you.
  • There are no limits to how short or long a post needs to be. Search engine optimization, what’s that? Forget about all that jargon. Just. Write.
  • Once you have published an article, don’t forget to post a link on your social media with the hashtag #100DaysToOffload.
  • If you're writing on, be sure to include #100DaysToOffload in your post. Their system support hashtags, so it will allow others to find your posts.
  • Get your friends involved!

  • copied from on 2020-04-29.

Of these I know I will take liberties with regards to getting my friends involved.

So, here we go I guess .

Time used: approximately 45 minutes.